FW25 theme
Colorless Bible
The term "Colorless Bible" signifies the desire to repaint rigid rules and ideas in your own preferred
colors. Integrating the exaggerated expressions from the cartoon movies we grew up watching into a look
unified in pure white, we've created a collection that makes it easy to imagine colors and sound effects
by adding movement to the clothing.
Colorless Bible
Brand concept
The concept is "clothing with free thought." After being deeply impacted by installation art encountered in an art gallery, we realized the importance of creating space in art. We believed that by creating clothing akin to a "space that enhances art pieces," we could better bring out individual personalities and engage both art gallery and fashion enthusiasts. This led to the start of our brand.
Designer/Brand bio
Kouki Sera:
From a young age, I started baton twirling and became immersed in the world of physical expression,
which led me to develop an interest in contemporary art that can be visually enjoyed. Wanting to express
what's in my mind through the clothing I loved since elementary school, I entered this industry.
Kotarou Kawamura:
Born on February 11, 2004, in Osaka. Influenced by the Kawaii Culture seen during childhood, I attended
an art school. There, I became fascinated by body painting and developed an interest in fashion that
adorns the body.
世良 洸稀:
2004年2月11日大阪生まれ。幼少期に見たKawaii Cultureの影響でアートスクールに通う。そこで学んだボディペイントに惹かれ、身体を彩るファッションに興味を持つ。